Delphi Complete Works of Giotto (Illustrated) (Delphi Masters of Art Book 24)
Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Arts & Photography
Delphi Complete Works of Giotto (Illustrated) (Delphi Masters of Art Book 24) Details
Revered as the father of European painting and the first of the great Italian masters, Giotto di Bondone was the leading Italian painter of the fourteenth century, whose pioneering works would lead on to the innovations and wonders of the High Renaissance. Delphi’s Masters of Art Series presents the world’s first digital e-Art books, allowing readers to explore the works of great artists in comprehensive detail. This volume presents Giotto’s complete works in beautiful detail, with concise introductions, hundreds of high quality images and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)* The complete paintings of Giotto — over 200 paintings, fully indexed and arranged in chronological and alphabetical order* Includes reproductions of rare works* Features a special ‘Highlights’ section, with concise introductions to the masterpieces, giving valuable contextual information* Enlarged ‘Detail’ images, allowing you to explore Giotto’s celebrated works in detail, as featured in traditional art books* Hundreds of images in stunning colour – highly recommended for viewing on tablets and smart phones or as a valuable reference tool on more conventional eReaders* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the complete paintings* Easily locate the paintings you want to view* Features three bonus biographies - discover Giotto's artistic and personal life* Scholarly ordering of plates into chronological orderPlease visit to browse through our range of exciting e-Art booksCONTENTS:The HighlightsLIFE OF ST. FRANCIS — Assisi, Upper ChurchBADIA POLYPTYCHCRUCIFIX OF RIMINISCENES FROM THE LIFE OF JOACHIM — Padua, Arena ChapelSCENES FROM THE LIFE OF THE VIRGIN — Padua, Arena ChapelSCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST — Padua, Arena ChapelVIRTUES AND VICES — Padua, Arena ChapelLAST JUDGMENT — Padua, Arena ChapelOGNISSANTI MADONNASCENES FROM THE LIFE OF MARY MAGDALEN — Assisi, Lower ChurchSCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST — Assisi, Lower ChurchSCENES FROM THE LIFE OF ST. FRANCIS — Florence, Bardi ChapelSCENES FROM THE LIFE OF JOHN THE BAPTIST — Florence, Peruzzi ChapelSTEFANESCHI ALTARPIECEMADONNA AND CHILD (WASHINGTON)BOLOGNA POLYPTYCHGIOTTO’S CAMPANILEThe PaintingsTHE COMPLETE PAINTINGSALPHABETICAL LIST OF PAINTINGSThe BiographiesGIOTTO by Giorgio VasariGIOTTO AND HIS WORKS IN PADUA by John RuskinGIOTTO by Harry QuilterPlease visit to browse through our range of exciting titles or to buy the whole Art series as a Super Set
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I enjoy these low price complete works of famous artists. I can see the illustrations in black and white on my kindle or in color on the Amazon Fire. The text is always factual and the biography interesting.