Freeway Balconies (Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle Exhibition Catalogues)

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Photography & Video

Freeway Balconies (Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle Exhibition Catalogues) Details

Published to accompany the 2008 Deutsche Guggenheim survey curated by American artist Collier Schorr, Freeway Balconies unfolds more as an artist's book than a straightforward exhibition catalogue. Borrowing from Allen Ginsberg, the title refers to the meeting place of spectacle and voyeurism in American culture--expressed here through Schorr's idiosyncratic mix of 19 emerging and established artists, including Sharon Hayes, Bruce Nauman, Francesca Woodman, Rashawn Griffin and Richard Prince, among others. Her choices, arranged around selections of her own work, reveal her probing interest in slippages of identity and identification, cultural memory and forgetting and the ways in which artistic action and production engage these issues.


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